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Updated: Jul 13


Picture a life without the modern convenience of a refrigerator, or imagine an era where massive blocks of ice were indispensable for maintaining the cooling cabinet at an optimal temperature. I can't help but marvel at the indispensable role this magical appliance plays in my daily routine, haha, preserving my food's freshness and ensuring my beverages remain refreshingly cool. Hahah, I certainly didn’t think I'd find myself composing a love letter to a kitchen appliance when I woke up this morning, yet, here I am so we’re going with it! 

However, I recently came across a video with Cardiologist Dr. Umair Jangda that made me question everything I though I knew (I might be exaggerating juuust a tad, but then again no, I was seriously shockeddd!) In this video, Dr. Jangda shed light on certain foods that should never find their way into the fridge, as they undergo a toxic (!!) transformation in its cool, moist environment. Continue reading to find out which foods you should avoid refrigerating.

Source: Cap Beauty


Often, alongside garlic, onions mistakenly find themselves relegated by unknowing consumers like my (previous) self. Whether they are whole or divided in two, onions possess a remarkable ability to attract bacteria from their surroundings. In the video Dr. Jangda even revealed a household remedy: during illness, placing a slice of onion in a room helps combat unhealthy bacteria. Thus, despite the absence of visible mold, onions absorb and harbour bacteria within the fridge.

Peeled Garlic

As a water-rich crop, garlic tend to absorb moisture within the refrigerator, rendering it a breeding ground for mold. Consuming mold-infested garlic can trigger respiratory symptoms. Furthermore, the formation of mycotoxins, associated with late-stage mold, has been linked to carcinogenic effects. Dr. Jangda advocates for storing garlic in dry pantry conditions, mitigating the risk of mold.

Cooked Rice

"[...] rice is one of the ingredients that catches mold the fastest.” Dr. Jangda says and advises a strict time limit of no more than 24 hours if refrigeration is necessary. Alternatively, opt for dry, shaded storage outside the fridge, or better yet, refrain from cooking excessive quantities in advance. For those seeking a nutritious, long-lasting carbohydrate source that actually becomes healthier when cooled, consider potatoes instead.


While fresh ginger has a lot of health benefits, irefrigeration can compromise its good properties. Dr. Jangda elucidates how the refrigerator's cool, damp environment fosters mold growth on fresh ginger, potentially rendering it toxic upon ingestion. Instead, store ginger in a dry, well-ventilated space, thus ensuring its longevity and nutritional value.

Now, I can for sure say I'll be spending my evening cleaning out the fridge, how about you? Over n' out, peeps!


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